
Effect comparison of transformer oil vacuum oil filter after decolorization

2019-4-21 17:23:55

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  The causes of transformer oil pollution are as follows:

  Transformer insulation oil after a long period of use, oil products will change, which will contain moisture, impurities, colloid granularity. At the same time, the breakdown voltage and dielectric loss of oil products will be affected. So it is necessary to use vacuum oil filter to filter and reduce the breakdown voltage performance of oil products.

  1. Moisture is the most common and sensitive stolen goods affecting breakdown voltage. Because water is a polar molecule, under the action of electric field force, it is easy to be elongated and arranged along the direction of electric field, thus forming a conductive bridge between the two poles. Even if it contains a little water, the conductive bridge will be produced immediately, connecting the two poles and making the breakdown voltage drop sharply. For example, the water content in the general new oil can reach a saturated state within the range of 0.01%, but that is the case. A small amount of water can make the breakdown voltage drop very low. In addition to water, oil often contains other stolen goods. Therefore, the relationship between water content and breakdown voltage can not be expressed by formula. In addition, the breakdown voltage depends not only on the water content, but also on the state of water in the oil. Like the same water content, it can reduce the voltage in varying degrees. Usually the water in emulsified state has the greatest impact on breakdown voltage, followed by dissolved water.

  2. The effect of temperature on breakdown voltage depends on the presence or absence of impurities and water in the oil, and does not contain impurities, and dried oil without water. Generally, temperature has little effect on breakdown voltage. This is because at a certain field strength and temperature, the oil molecule itself is not easy to crack, that is, it is not easy to ionize (but when the temperature rises to a certain extent, the oil molecule itself ionizes because of the cracking surface, and with the increase of temperature, the viscosity of the oil decreases significantly, the electrons and ions produced by ionization, because the force becomes smaller and the speed of movement accelerates, resulting in oil breakdown, breakdown voltage is obvious. Decline.

  To improve the breakdown voltage performance of transformer oil and ensure the normal use of oil products, the two-stage transformer oil vacuum filter manufactured by our company and the principle of vacuum dehydration separation are adopted to remove impurities quickly and effectively and ensure the purity of oil products. The following is a comparison of the effect of decolorization of transformer oil vacuum filter in our company.

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